Michael Caputo
1 min readMay 12, 2021


I appreciate the mind-body connection outlined in this article. I also want to discuss how talk therapy can aim directly at what you write about. ACT or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy aims at helping people to be willing to feel what they feel, think what they think but still choose actions that move toward what matters to them. Observation of anxious thoughts/feelings begins with noticing the changes in the body. If a client can recognize these early, then she can be more mindful of the choices she can make in response. Practitioners have moved away from the focus on the anxiety (I.e. -CBT's approach of thought replacement) and instead put the focus on reactions to what is being felt. The idea is to put their values centerstage and allow some mental space to make choices aligned with those things that matter. This approach also centers on meditation and mindfulness not just as a tool for calming down but for getting that mental space. It looks at tools for uncoupling from these problematic feelings/thoughts/beliefs and breaking the pattern of behavior. The research behind ACT shows that this can improve the thing we can control when it comes to anxiety: How we react to it.



Michael Caputo

I write to explore the mind. I work as a therapist to help others do the same with the hope of living a more fulfilling life.